

IEA Federated Societies are encouraged to nominate qualified candidates for three annual awards:

  • The IEA Fellowship Award, which is given to recognize extraordinary or sustained, superior accomplishments of an individual. To be considered for a fellowship two eligibility criteria must be satisfied. In addition, the candidate’s distinction as ergonomics professional must be demonstrated.


  • The IEA/Kingfar Award for Student Research in Human Factors and Ergonomics Issues in Industrially Developing Countries, which is given annually to honor persons who have made high-quality human factors and ergonomics (HFE) research achievements that address HFE issues typical of industrially developing countries (IDCs). The purpose of the award is to honor a deserving student and allow them to focus their research on HFE issues typical of IDCs and thereby potentially improve the well-being of people in industrially developing countries. Up to eight award winners may be selected each year. Each winner will be given a prize of 1,000 USD.



Fellow nominations are due on April 30, and the deadline for the IEA/Tsinghua and IEA/Kingfar awards is June 30. Details and nomination requirements can be accessed at the links above.